As of June of 2024, Comic Indie Inc has established itself as a nonprofit with the mission of highlighting comics as a viable medium for storytelling and supporting independent comic creators by organizing events that highlights their creations. Comics as a medium is a craft that few endeavor to pursue because it requires a great amount of skill in two departments: writing and art. Together, we continue to become that beacon of inspiration and creativity for any creator or wannabe here in Houston who wants to pursue storytelling through this medium.
Originally Comic Indie was founded in 2015 by Alex A. Ayala as a community of indie comic creators to network. In 2018 Comic Indie hosted its first event known as Comic Indie Con at the Emancipation building. Its purpose was to bring in professionals within the industry to offer guidance and training for those within the industry via it’s panels throughout the day.
Today we invite any eager to be a part of the community to join our local Facebook group, and for everyone else wanting to catch up on the latest news we invite you to follow our Instagram or Facebook. If you are interested in volunteering for any of our events, or if you have any questions, please email us at